DSP Essay Reflection

DSP Essay Reflection
Nico Pozsar/ Writing 100
Professor Darling
            The University of Michigan provided all incoming freshmen with a writing assessment designed to gauge what level of writing the students are at, and therefore what writing class would be the most appropriate. The University of Michigan assigned incoming freshman to analyze an argument given be a professional writer and to defend, qualify, or refute her argument with examples given in the written text. The university assigned this work in order to gauge how well incoming freshmen can write, thus the primary expectation of the assignment was to view the quality of the assignment turned in, and perhaps to note whether the student completed the assignment on time.
As with most academically rigorous assignments, I faced various difficulties whilst completing this assignment, perhaps most notably finding the motivation to complete it. I learned that for each stage of the writing process, a writer must sit down for a given period of time, free of distractions, just to complete the given task. One of my greatest successes with this paper in particular in particular was completing it on time. I attempted to work on it as soon as the University of Michigan assigned it, and that was a large contributing factor in what allowed me to complete the project on time.
            Despite difficulties one might think would require me to change my overall strategy of attempting the paper, neither my strategy nor my assignment evolved at any point during the time I spent working on it. I essentially went about addressing the essay as I might have an essay in a high school writing class. I first reread the assignment multiple times in order to be sure that I full understood what was being asked. Without an explicit understanding of what the assignment is asking, it becomes nearly impossible to truly complete the assignment. Next I wrote out a cohesive plan including a clear thesis statement, specific examples I would include in the body paragraphs, as well as a succinct conclusion. During the writing process, I would write out a whole passage of key text from the professional writer, some of which I thought I might want to include, and then later I would go through and highlight specific passages and focused quotes I would choose to include. As I had learned in prior classes involving academic writing, a comprehensive plan provides an essential path towards success.
            Despite this cohesive plan with specific, targeted examples, I did take the occasional risk. One particular risk I took was not editing my paper thoroughly after a strong urge to just be finished. Some examples of these mistakes include repetition of certain words, as well as a misspelling of no for “know”, and occasional excessive wordiness which I could have easily edited out, had I taken the time. Other than the general laziness I exhibited in editing the paper, I took major risks in writing the paper itself: I started off with an anecdote or allusion, then a clearly stated hypothesis, specific examples backed up with relevant quotations, and then finally a conclusion which summed up my examples and rephrased the thesis.
            Overall I feel like the assignment helped me practice some of the key skills of academic writing, but the actual writing process itself was not fun at all. Planning, writing, editing, and polish all felt incredibly tedious, though not unnecessary. The completion of the paper made me very happy, so happy in fact, that I scarcely edited the work. Despite the tedium of it, I did practice a number of important abilities in writing such as extensive planning, finding motivation to write, and polishing skills.
            To conclude, I feel like I completed the assignment competently. I submitted it on time, it had specific examples, a clear thesis, and a conclusion. Despite this, I do not know how I did as neither a professor, nor an instructor ever read the work. As with all academic assignments, there is room for improvement. In the future, if I were to repeat this assignment or complete one similar to it, I would take more time in the editing process to make sure there was no egregious typing errors. I would also try to further polish the finish products by removing some of the wordiness.

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